
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another new project

Hi folks!
Does anyone out there keep a journal? I must admit that I've tried NUMEROUS times to keep a diary. I was always intrigued by people like Laura Ingalls Wilder who turned her life into an amazing book series (which you should all read, especially if you're a girl). I love reading biographies - auto or not. Granted, most of these people are famous, but who knows? Perhaps I'll be known for something some day. I could be famous (preferable to infamous), and someone will ask me to write about my life.

Keeping a diary now would help me a lot later. Wouldn't it be cute to have little anecdotes in my future memoir from my early diaries? I think my future readers would get a kick out of those types of stories. Then again, if it's the future and I can just dream about it, I also dream that I have a really awesome personal assistant to help me with these things! Ha!

Anyway, due to circumstances outside of my control, I'm taking a creative writing class. Yes, take a moment, go ahead and laugh. As with any class and any person who does not want to be in school, I must remember that a) I like learning new things and b) classes are supposed to help you become a better more well-rounded person. I stand convicted.

My first assignment is to "free write" for at least 5 minutes every day. When you free write you aren't supposed to go back and edit, let your pen stop moving, or worry about anything besides putting thoughts on paper. So far, my free writes have been about our dog and about the letter p (I was contemplating my penmanship). They're hit or miss on the creative front. Perhaps I should turn my free-writing into journaling? This would help me for when I'm famous in the future and will probably prevent any more horrible Sesame Street-like entries brought to you by the letter P.

Now, for your enjoyment and reading pleasure, is my good entry about Maddie.
Maddie's Internal Morning Monologue
Wake up Mom!

I have to go potty now! Can’t you see I’m doing my “I’ve got to pee dance?” Plus, there is something making a lot of noise outside that I need to see, and I need you to reach the door handle. I think it’s a garbage truck.

Oh good! You’re up. Continually patting your arm worked! Can we go now? Daddy was snoring again. He also left that beeping noise go on and on forever. Why does he do that? Can I come up on your bed? Daddy left a warm spot. We should snuggle for a little bit.

Did you hear that noise coming from outside? It’s a new noise. I think there are kids outside riding their bikes. I want to go see. I don’t want to play with them because they go too fast, but I want to watch them go up and down the street.

Mom, I still have to pee. I really need you to work the door handle. I wish I had the right words to tell you all my thoughts!

The kids are still on their bikes. Can I please go look at the kids playing outside? We have to go down stairs so I can do that. I bet I can make it faster than you can! I bet I can mak… Whoa! Those last few steps are hard. Did you see me, Mom? I almost fell. Why are you holding your rail so tightly? Did you almost fall too when I ran in front of you? I’m fast, huh?

I’m hungry. Can I have a treat today?

Mom, I think we need to have a talk about how many treats I get. I have been a very good girl. When I go potty when you want me to, I think I should get a cookie. When I behave at Grandma and Grandpa’s house I should get another treat. I’m not like that other girl, Chloe, who tries to get out of the yard and go play with the kids when her Mommy says no. Since I’m not naughty, I should get a cookie.

Mom, after I go potty, can we walk to Grandma and Grandpa’s? It doesn’t look wet outside. They have treats at their house. I bet Grandpa would like to see me. Can we go now so he can give me a treat? Why do we have to wait?

Oh, what’s in that basket you’re holding? What’s that smell? Is that for me? Oh, it’s laundry. There is really stinky laundry today. I think I still smell pizza sauce on Lisa’s t-shirt. I wonder if it still tastes like pizza. Can I see?

Wait. Why are you going down more steps? Don’t go in the basement Mom! It’s scary. There are not fun noises that come from down there. It’s not like the kids playing outside. I don’t like basements. But mom, it’s dark down there. Don’t go. Please don’t…

Oh no. She’s gone. She’s gone forever. The basement ate her and Lisa’s pizza t-shirt. I should go down and look. No, maybe she’s not really gone. I should just wait here on the top step. I should be patient, but I’m afraid the things making the noises in the basement have taken my mom. I’m going to cry. I should be brave. I can’t. I’m not brave. What am I going to do? I’m alone. She’s gone. She’s gone forever.

YOU’RE BACK! You’re back! You’re alive! The basement didn’t take you away from me! How dare you do laundry and scare me like that? That’s ok. I love you and am so glad you’re back. Were the stairs hard? Did you have to fight off the basement monsters? Promise me you’ll never go back down there again. I don’t like it when you leave no matter how long you’re gone!

Can we go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house now? Quick! I should look cute. I’ll stare at you with my big brown eyes and wag my tail in an endearing manner.

Oh no, don’t step there. Sorry about that. Yeah, I was so scared that I don’t have to go potty any more.


  1. Jen has another new project! I love it! That was a really funny story. I really thought you were a dog for a little bit! Why are you taking this class? Is it for work? Journaling is fun, but I'm not consistent either and when I do write something and go back later and read it, I'm usually bored. Haha. Love you!

  2. Kalie - My boss is making me take the class. I'm going to turn in this story tomorrow for my first assignment!
    Stacy - Squirrel!

  3. I love it, wow your dog is hyper! Hey if work's paying for it take all the classes you can!

    I just signed up for a class on web design and the basics of html. I'm excited, but it's completely online so that will be interesting.
