
Sunday, January 16, 2011

For the monkeys...

My friend "Jane" told me a little over a year ago, "I think your nuts. I'm glad you love running, but I think you're nuts."
This past November, I got an e-mail from this same friend asking if I would run The Sampson Stomp and Romp with her in January. That's what we did today.
Since it was her first race, I had this big plan to have a before and after shot and to celebrate her big accomplishment. Well, whoopsie, I forgot to charge my camera battery. Photos will show up the next time we do a race.
"Jane" requested that our next race be a bit warmer. You can see our race results here. Nothing like waking up early in the morning on a balmy 11 degrees F and running through the zoo with 1100 of your closest friends... at least neither of us slipped on any snow or ice!

To run or not to run?

To be or not to be?

Screw that. I’m not some weenie Danish prince who had some mega family issues. The answer is always “Be”. Duh.

To marathon or not to marathon?

Now there’s a question for which I do not have an answer. Is it physically possible? Yes. The people on “The Biggest Loser” can do it. They went from being close to death to running one in under 5 hours! Then again, they had Bob and Jillian and a host of doctors…

Remember last year when I started this blog before I kind of fell off the face of blog-dom and abandoned you all? I had a friend, Julie, who ran a half marathon and then a full marathon within two days. Granted, that’s kind of crazy, but that’s why we love Julie! This had inspired a group of us to train for a marathon in January of 2012 – the Disney Marathon. If we do this, the marathon will land exactly on my 28th birthday. That’s in 322 days.


1. Coolest Birthday Goal EVER!

2. The marathon runs through all the Disney parks and you get a medal in the shape of Mickey Mouse.

3. I’d be running it with friends.

4. Nice to meet you, I’m Jen. I ran a marathon.

5. I get to buy more shoes.

6. Side benefit of weight loss – I hope.

7. This is an attainable goal in a year. I’m not trying to do this in 3 months or less or anything.

8. I bet I’ll need some cute shorts to go with those new shoes…


1. That’s a long-freakin’-race!

2. Do I really want to spend my birthday running?

3. Questioning myself – Do I have the motivation and discipline?

4. My feet are going to hurt.

5. That’s a long-freakin’-race!

6. The Y puts a 30 minute limit on the treadmills. I don’t think it’s humanly possible to run 26 miles in a half hour. That’s even speeding in a car on HWY 794!

7. I didn’t finish this year’s goal (missed by 2 races). What makes me think I can do this?

So at the moment, the Pros outweigh the Cons, but not by much.
