
Monday, June 28, 2010

Camera Stormin'

Sunday morning started off kind of bleary. There was so much rain in the past week that I was just hoping that it wouldn't be a crazy storm like in the past few days. If you're one of my out-of-state readers, Wisconsin has had a lot of severe weather this June including a tornado that took out most of the town of Eagle. Regardless of the weather, I jumped in my car and headed to Veteran's Park.

Brainstorm 2010 was super humid and the air was so thick with moisture that it felt like you were swimming. Uh oh. Humid = not fun running/breathing. Fortunately, there was a good breeze going.

The Epilepsy Foundation had excellent signage, so it was easy to find the tents. I checked in with the team check in and then found Melissa and the rest of the Jay-Walkers. (Go back a few blog posts to read about Melissa's brother Jason). So far, the EF also had the coolest t-shirts. See?

How fun are those shirts? This picture is of me and Melissa, who organized our team of her family and friends, before the weather went berserk. I should also tell you that for this race, I decided to test and see if my camera's claim of "waterproof" was true and I ran with it in my hand the whole time.

Here we're headed to the start line. I'd guess about 300 people showed up to run or walk:

These next two photos were about 800-1000 meters into the race (3/4 mile):

This is about 3K into the race when I thought "Hey self, you're taking pictures of other people, why don't you take a photo of yourself?":

These two photos were shortly after the self shot about 3.5K into the race. I've only got a mile to go and it is starting to rain. And was that thunder?

See those clouds out there? Yeah, thunder and lightning happened about a minute or two later! I looked back for a second to take this really blurry photo of (L-R) Discovery World and the Milwaukee Art Museum:

This exceptionally blurry shot is of Melissa, her husband Bill and his friend from college whose name I don't know (I think it was Dan?). I made it around the final turn first (which has never happened before), so I decided to try and capture them with the camera:

Since I finished first for my team (!!!), I stayed at the finish to take their pictures. Here's Bill and Melissa:

At the turnaround, which was about 1-1.2K from the end, it was raining so hard that I had to stare at the ground and could only look up and blink to be able to see. There was lighting and thunder and my shoes were squishing! Brainstorm lived up to it's name!

Thank you to everyone who donated $$ to help our team! We raised $505.00! Thank you!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Writing project entry 2

While I realize that this blog is about projects, it's been mostly about running and fitness. I'm going to jump tracks to love.

Today, I was at my writing class and we read our assignments out loud while the others read along. Everyone loved my piece on Maddie and thought it was really cute. But the essay that really caught my attention was by Katie M. She wrote an essay based on a conversation she had with her 85-year-old widower father Katie asked her dad about his "lady friends" and if they were just friends.

His answer was so touching that I'm sure that Katie wouldn't mind if I paraphrased it for this blog post (plus, I'm pretty sure I know all my readers and she's not one of them):
My friends are just friends, and they'll stay that way. Your mother is the love of my life even though she's gone. Love is that feeling. Love comes from that one person, and you never know when it'll show up or where it comes from. She brought out the best in me, and the worst in me, too. She challenged me, and made me the best man I could be. When you have a love like that, the best kind, you don't settle for anything less.

I think that's one of the best definitions of love I've ever heard. Makes me sigh a little bit (or more than a little bit).

Sunday, June 20, 2010


It was well over 80 degrees (probably closer to 90) yesterday when I ran Sarah's Stride. They changed the race course since I ran it last. Before it started near my parents' house and ran through Tosa just a bit northeast of the village. It used to be practically all down hill. This race was slightly south of the village, mostly along Honey Creek Parkway, and it was barely downhill.

Here's what the route looked like (approximately):

The day was really hot and humid, so it was a blessing that there were two water stops and they were placed really well. I started behind one of the boys I used to babysit for. Now, he's practically taller than me, but not as fast! I only finished about 30 seconds behind him. Since it was so hot, I had to stop and walk a bit. Fortunately, most people had to walk because of the heat. Everyone at the finish line looked like they were going to melt!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another new project

Hi folks!
Does anyone out there keep a journal? I must admit that I've tried NUMEROUS times to keep a diary. I was always intrigued by people like Laura Ingalls Wilder who turned her life into an amazing book series (which you should all read, especially if you're a girl). I love reading biographies - auto or not. Granted, most of these people are famous, but who knows? Perhaps I'll be known for something some day. I could be famous (preferable to infamous), and someone will ask me to write about my life.

Keeping a diary now would help me a lot later. Wouldn't it be cute to have little anecdotes in my future memoir from my early diaries? I think my future readers would get a kick out of those types of stories. Then again, if it's the future and I can just dream about it, I also dream that I have a really awesome personal assistant to help me with these things! Ha!

Anyway, due to circumstances outside of my control, I'm taking a creative writing class. Yes, take a moment, go ahead and laugh. As with any class and any person who does not want to be in school, I must remember that a) I like learning new things and b) classes are supposed to help you become a better more well-rounded person. I stand convicted.

My first assignment is to "free write" for at least 5 minutes every day. When you free write you aren't supposed to go back and edit, let your pen stop moving, or worry about anything besides putting thoughts on paper. So far, my free writes have been about our dog and about the letter p (I was contemplating my penmanship). They're hit or miss on the creative front. Perhaps I should turn my free-writing into journaling? This would help me for when I'm famous in the future and will probably prevent any more horrible Sesame Street-like entries brought to you by the letter P.

Now, for your enjoyment and reading pleasure, is my good entry about Maddie.
Maddie's Internal Morning Monologue
Wake up Mom!

I have to go potty now! Can’t you see I’m doing my “I’ve got to pee dance?” Plus, there is something making a lot of noise outside that I need to see, and I need you to reach the door handle. I think it’s a garbage truck.

Oh good! You’re up. Continually patting your arm worked! Can we go now? Daddy was snoring again. He also left that beeping noise go on and on forever. Why does he do that? Can I come up on your bed? Daddy left a warm spot. We should snuggle for a little bit.

Did you hear that noise coming from outside? It’s a new noise. I think there are kids outside riding their bikes. I want to go see. I don’t want to play with them because they go too fast, but I want to watch them go up and down the street.

Mom, I still have to pee. I really need you to work the door handle. I wish I had the right words to tell you all my thoughts!

The kids are still on their bikes. Can I please go look at the kids playing outside? We have to go down stairs so I can do that. I bet I can make it faster than you can! I bet I can mak… Whoa! Those last few steps are hard. Did you see me, Mom? I almost fell. Why are you holding your rail so tightly? Did you almost fall too when I ran in front of you? I’m fast, huh?

I’m hungry. Can I have a treat today?

Mom, I think we need to have a talk about how many treats I get. I have been a very good girl. When I go potty when you want me to, I think I should get a cookie. When I behave at Grandma and Grandpa’s house I should get another treat. I’m not like that other girl, Chloe, who tries to get out of the yard and go play with the kids when her Mommy says no. Since I’m not naughty, I should get a cookie.

Mom, after I go potty, can we walk to Grandma and Grandpa’s? It doesn’t look wet outside. They have treats at their house. I bet Grandpa would like to see me. Can we go now so he can give me a treat? Why do we have to wait?

Oh, what’s in that basket you’re holding? What’s that smell? Is that for me? Oh, it’s laundry. There is really stinky laundry today. I think I still smell pizza sauce on Lisa’s t-shirt. I wonder if it still tastes like pizza. Can I see?

Wait. Why are you going down more steps? Don’t go in the basement Mom! It’s scary. There are not fun noises that come from down there. It’s not like the kids playing outside. I don’t like basements. But mom, it’s dark down there. Don’t go. Please don’t…

Oh no. She’s gone. She’s gone forever. The basement ate her and Lisa’s pizza t-shirt. I should go down and look. No, maybe she’s not really gone. I should just wait here on the top step. I should be patient, but I’m afraid the things making the noises in the basement have taken my mom. I’m going to cry. I should be brave. I can’t. I’m not brave. What am I going to do? I’m alone. She’s gone. She’s gone forever.

YOU’RE BACK! You’re back! You’re alive! The basement didn’t take you away from me! How dare you do laundry and scare me like that? That’s ok. I love you and am so glad you’re back. Were the stairs hard? Did you have to fight off the basement monsters? Promise me you’ll never go back down there again. I don’t like it when you leave no matter how long you’re gone!

Can we go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house now? Quick! I should look cute. I’ll stare at you with my big brown eyes and wag my tail in an endearing manner.

Oh no, don’t step there. Sorry about that. Yeah, I was so scared that I don’t have to go potty any more.

Friday, June 11, 2010

June Run/Walks - A Double Dose

Remember when I totally goofed on that January event? Well, I'm going to make up for it in June by doing two run/walks.

First: A good friend of mine, Melissa, has a brother who has Epilepsy. This year I am going to join her team Jay-Walkers (named so for her brother Jason), and run in Brainstorm 2010 as part of my 5K challenge. Epilepsy is the medical term used to describe the more than 20 types of seizures. Epilepsy can affect ANYONE, at ANY AGE, at ANY TIME. There are 30,000 individuals affected by epilepsy in our four county Southeast Wisconsin area (Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington) and 44-50% of those diagnosed with epilepsy are NOT medically controlled at this time.

Please help me help Melissa and her family support the Epilepsy Foundation of Southeast Wisconsin to bring help and hope to individuals affected by seizure disorders! I've met Jason and he is an amazing person! Their whole family is amazing! Check out my fund-raising site to pledge some dollars if you can. You can join Melissa's team too if you'd like and run with us!

The other run/walk I'm going to do is called Sarah's Stride. This event is the first 5K I ever ran, and I'm going to be back! It's June 19 at 3 p.m. and it benefits the Ronald McDonald House. Here's the story: Sarah Hegarty, the event’s namesake, and her family were welcomed and comforted at a Ronald McDonald House for many months. In her memory, Sarah’s Stride has become a tribute to all of the Ronald McDonald House families who are fighting courageous battles against diseases and injuries that no one would wish on any child.

The first time I ran this event, the late Sarah's neice, little Sarah, thought that everyone was there for her instead of her aunt because the race had her name on it! Tugs on the heart strings doesn't it? If you want to help me support the Ronald McDonald House, please sign up online here. Otherwise, you can sign up by printing out the sheet at the link before the last one and mailing it in, or you can sign up race day.

See you at the start line!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lunchtime Entry: Shoes!

Howdy readers!
As most of you know, I really love shoes. I probably have too many or more than I need. I take that back. I KNOW I have too many shoes. But they're so pretty! So shiny! So comfy!
Well, er, they may not be comfy if they're shiny and pretty...However, please see exhibit A)
Other than the pointy toes on these babies, they're pretty comfy.

Exhibit b)
Very comfortable - I walked all through Denver with these guys. Not for walking on the grass though. The heels sink in and get stuck.

Exhibit C)
Now these babies I can walk EVERYWHERE in. I love them! Note how I have lots of red shoes...

Exhibit D)
Totally awesome running shoes that are supportive and junk. LOVE!

Now, just out of this sampling of shoes, which do you think is best for your knees? (Jeopardy music as you think... doo, doo, doo, doo...)My guess was the running shoes.

According to this article here, the soft soled flat ones (Exhibit C) are the best. While I love those shoes, I was totally stumped!