
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Cards!

I really love Christmas. It's number 2 on my list of favorite holidays (1. Thanksgiving, 2. Christmas, 3. Easter, 4. My birthday, 5. Fourth of July). I think it's because my family has a lot of traditions with decorating the house, making Christmas cookies, cooking, and writing Christmas cards.

My family is big on cards, and Christmas is no exception. My grandpa will stand in the card aisle at the grocery store and read every card until he finds just the right one. Mom and Dad always make sure to find cards that will make tears come to your eyes. Mike and Lisa find me cards that make me laugh so hard my sides ache. I'm pretty sure the Lang Store folks rub their hands together with glee when they see me head to the note card aisle.

We have big lists of people that we send cards to at Christmas. We even have a joke that if someone makes you angry, they're off the Christmas card list. When someone says that, you know you're in deep do-do. However, if you make the list, you should feel an invisible hug when you open it because we only send cards to those we love!

What sparked this post on Christmas cards? Thanks to Eugene Kane, a columnist with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and his article which you can find here, he reminded me exactly WHY we send cards:

It was always a religious theme. There wasn't much use for Santa Claus in Mom's card display.

Most of the cards came from fellow Christians who viewed the holiday the same way she did. Although my brother and I lived for the gifts, we knew it wasn't just about that.

This was the birthday of someone important.

Christmas cards are a friendly touch and loving reminder that you are important to me and God. It also means that I want to be sure and share the message that God sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to be our Savior. What better way to share than through a Christmas card whether it's stamped or the e-kind.

Like Mr. Kane said, "For me, it's the part of Christmas I hope never changes."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Biggest Loser Finale

Ok, so if you haven't figured it out by now, I'm pretty addicted to "The Biggest Loser". And just because it's my blog and because I can, I'm going to subject you all to my random thoughts on the show this evening.

1. Yay Amanda for getting voted for a second time!
2. What the spoot is Jillian wearing?
3. I'm so proud of everyone!
4. Does anyone else notice how Julio's face doesn't really move like he's got botox?
6. Whoa. Crazy Tracy looks like Molly Shannon now.
7. Coach Mo kind of looks like Shrek.
9. "Now I can do the things I was too scared to even try."
10. Holy Moly everyone looks great!
12. I heart Allan.
13. Hmm... perhaps I should be wrapping Christmas presents and/or doing some crunches...
14. I also heart Shay and Daniel and Rebecca and... everyone :)
15. Dr. H needs a hair cut.
16. Tracy really looks like Molly Shannon!
17. I bet Rebecca did Daniel's hair.
18. I am officially inspired to run a half marathon. Thank you Rebecca.
19. I love Rebecca's happy dance. I might have to copy that!
20. My favorite people on this show: Rebecca (duh...), Abby (double duh), Allan, Danny, Amanda, Shay, Liz, and Daniel.
21. Holy Muscles Batman.
22. I should do some push ups.
23. Brown can be a very slimming color.
24. Liz kind of looks like Helen Miren.
25. I think some of my least favorite words in TV history are "right after this".
26. The only thing that is keeping me from the YMCA tonight is a blizzard warning. I bet this show would be even better watching from a treadmill.
27. KRISTIN STEEDE IS HAVING A BABY! (she's from last season and she's from Wisconsin)
30. I need to reduce the amount of capitals I use.
31. I'm glad that Rudy is making strides for his health and his family, but he's kind of a pooper.
32. What is up with the whole jumping on a box thing?
33. Oh, that's why.
34. YAY FOR ANTOINE AND ALEXANDRA! This show makes me cry!
35. Amanda is such a pretty girl! I'm glad her insides are matching her outsides now :)
36. Rudy is tiny (and hotter).
37. DANNY! Oh my. OH MY.
38. I think if I were huge, I'd totally try out for this show.
39. I wonder if Rudy saw Danny and thought "oh crap."
40. Over 30% weight loss for Amanda! GO AMANDA! Although I do not think she's going to win, I'm SO PROUD OF HER!
41. Rudy's weight loss is... OVER 50%! He lost himself!
42. Danny's weight loss is... HUGE! 55.8%! YAY DANNY! I KNEW IT!

Next season - January 5. I'm so there.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just a few things...

Hello dear readers!

I just got back from the YMCA in Tosa, and I was watching "The Biggest Loser" while I was running on the treadmill. The first part of the episode was home visits for the last four people. It's down to Danny, Amanda, Liz, and Rudy (who I want to win in that order - not including my favorites who got kicked off: Abby, Rebecca and Allen). It is so inspiring to see them running a marathon as their last challenge. I'm running a measly 2.5 miles, and they're running A MARATHON people!

For every time I think "oh, I don't know if I can do that," I remind myself that these people are getting fit and changing their lives! I'm so proud of them and I don't even know them. Then again, I've got like 3 degrees of separation from Abby through my friend, Kalie, who writes a fabulous blog (and you can find out about it here). She has an amazing story. Well, they're all pretty amazing, but Abby's definitely a favorite.

OK, so about my projects. I have two main things to say today. One, I'm a huge klutz. My grandpa says I'm a "go-go-goer", and that's true, but I'm also prone to falling down making me an "oh-oh-noer". For instance, this past summer I was playing on the St. John's-Tosa softball team and as I'm running to first base my shoe breaks and I fall ripping up both knees, scraping my left leg, spraining my left wrist and bruising my left shoulder. I was out before I even got to FIRST BASE! Geesh... More recently, just before Thanksgiving that is, I rolled my ankle running across the parking lot at work. And, no I wasn't late for work. I was running across it because I needed to get my phone because my co-worker's car was broken into. Still, it was only about 100 yards! Oh well, I'm back on my feet and hitting the Y.

The second thing I should mention is that I've decided to stop one of my projects. I hate to be a quitter, but it's just not for me. I hearken back to telling you a few weeks ago that I played 2 odd instruments, one being hand bells. Well, I thought this year would be the year I would learn to play the bagpipes (odd instrument #2). As a person of Scottish decent (along with a few other things), I thought how cool would it be to learn to play the bagpipes?! I somehow forgot that I am more of a percussion person. I can keep a beat like no other, but making notes and keeping time together are a lot harder. I will always love bagpipes and think that the sweetest sounds on earth are 1) the belly laughs of kiddos and 2) "Amazing Grace" played on bagpipes.

To all my neighbors, my roommate and my family who have listened to my dad and I practice, you are now free to take the plugs out of your ears. To my teacher, Dr. Paul, thank you for your time and endless patience. To my readers, I can only say I gave it a 6-month try and will keep you up to date on my future projects that join the running. To myself, keep ringing those bells and being a great audience member. It's ok, not everyone is meant for parades.