What a crowd we had! I don't just mean the nearly 1,000 people at the 19th Annual Blarney Run/Walk, but I met up with/saw so many people I knew! I found Sarah (pink bandana) before the race like we planned, and she had her friends Josh and Becky with her (see attractive people on the right in the photo below).
I also met up with my friend Rulena from church and she started the race with us. Sarah had never done a 5K before, but she did a great job finishing at 34 minutes flat (according to the official posted results thanks to the Badgerland Striders). I finished just ahead of her at 32:42. Becky, Josh and Rulena all finished in the 20's.
The race was very hilly along the Underwood Parkway and Swan Boulevard. I had a very slow first mile because you really had to jockey to get to an open space to hit your stride. The second one was downhill but I got a stitch in my side so I could really lengthen my stride too much. The third mile was mostly uphill and that really divided people. You could tell who still had some fire in them and pushed through strong. Others gave their all in the first two miles and got passed by the fired-up people. I can gladly say that I finished strong and passed quite a number of people in mile three. I was hoping to finish faster, but oh well. Next time!
Pros of the event: it was well-organized, I had lots of friends to run with, great cause, good food afterward, clear results and had great volunteers! The Wauwatosa Historical Society raised about $20,000 for their projects including the roof on the Kneeland Walker House which is leaking badly (HINT! HINT!).
Cons of the event: uphill last mile, bottleneck at the turnaround and the finish line, people who don't know how to line up for a race.
The pros win (as they always do).
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